Autumn girl is embroidered carefully and with lots store of details on a 8” woden hoop. I used a beige cotton fabric and DMC embroidery threads.
The sweater has brown, orange and gray colors, some details on the sleeve plus added some beads for more attraction. Hair are twisted on a tail, color beige blonde. The hat is green and, the skirt is dark blue more like a royal blue and Long orange socks.
The tree is supposed to add more autumn Vibes, with falling leafes and different brown and orange colors.
Has a very light weight and is ready to be hanged on the wall.
Sending as a gift? I can include a personal message if you want, contact me before.
Custom work! Need something personalized or something different you have on your mind?! Contact me and we can work together.
Please allow 1-3 working days to be dispatched after the payment has been received.
Thank you!
Product code: Hand embroidered Autumn Girl- store EMbroidery HOop art- AUtumn WAll ARt - 3D embroidery