Medical Astrology Reading store | Wellness | Health Overview | Personalized Health Reading | Astrological Health Reading | Your Custom Health Eval
store Do you experience health related symptoms? Do these affect your lifestyle? Would you like access to the exact information that is unique to you based on your astrological birth chart?
I evaluate your chart and with the art of medical astrology, I can see what you are predisposed to experience and can help you with current symptoms and preventing future ones!
In your reading, I go through your birth chart and planetary influences on your health. I then use that information to find your constitution and elemental configuration, which then helps me determine what herbs would benefit you.
You see, there are several different kinds of pain. If you use cooling herbs on a cold pain with someone with a cold constitution, that pain will become worse.
That's why it is so important to understand your own body and how it is made up!!
Then, I help you understand your sun sign, moon sign, and rising sign and how it ties into your whole experience and belief system on healing. Most people identify solely with their sun sign…”I'm a Gemini”
But, you are so much more than that!! Your sun sign is simply how you present to the world. But in truth, it isn't who you really are at the core.
This will come to you as a mailed physical copy. If you would like an emailed copy, please message me and I will make that happen.
This reading can be a fantastic big picture view of how the planets influence your health and wellness. If you feel that you have tried everything, and you don't heal, you could be approaching your experience from a spaghetti against the wall approach. It is an amazingly unique way to care for you as you are made.
When purchasing, please include your name, place of birth, date of birth, and time of birth. These need to be exact in order to provide an accurate reading. Use the “leave seller a note” option at checkout. I promise your information is safe with me!!
Please reach out with any questions!! ❤️