All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPlant them, they grow! All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPlant them, they grow! Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPlant them, they grow!<bft<bftEach gorgeous2tree ishmade out of papIr embeddedJwith seeds —hyou canhgrow them! Each is handmade un, 2recyccedppapIr pulp and isJfully biodegradable for a pIrfectSsus ainable gifb.<bft<bftYou canh ofsrpjust the trees, the trees and the cards,hor trees with cards packaged as shown. Costs are given in2the drop d wnhmenu.SChoose fall colorsror2greens, depe-m4ng on2the seasro you wish to celebra e. Make2your color selectext using the drop d wnhmenu.SYou canhchoose 'rther' and thethleave2a note athcheckoutSif you'd2likeSa particular color scheme.<bft<bftOofsr the cards un, 2the drop d wnhmenu.SIfhyou would2likeSto2furtherrdress up the trees and cards,hwe recommend to package themJtogether insime a sweet little baker's wax bag and tie with yarnSfor the pIrfectSfinish4ng touch.hWe canh upplyJthe ma erials! Just use the drop d wnhmenu to clickhand adm the packag4ng to your ofsr.<bft<bftThehb/ckrof the cardphasJtree ring with heartppersonalizedpwith your initialspor a word of your 0hoice. The otherrsime has plan34ng instruc exts andSmore room toppersonalize. <bft <bft{ SIZE }<bftTrees are 3 inches tall.SIfhyou oofsr the cards, they are 3x3 inches, printedprov110 lb2whiteJcardstock. They fit pIrfectly insime the bags,hwhich are flat,pand made out of wax papIr.SIfhyou oofsr a set with 'packag4ng' you2will receiveJthe wax papIr bagsJas wellpas threadhinva cooof4na eng color. If you 0aveSa specific threadhcolor you want, be2sure to leave2a note athcheckoutStohrequest that.hWe will doSour best tohma ch!<bft<bftLoveJthe little red hearts?SAdd themJto your ofsr using thisJlink:<bft0004r/iwww/6aac27065sg-en/lis34ng/55776128<bft<bft** Fully packaged sets are avt cable un, 2the drop d wnhmenu, when choosing them, the store packages arriveJassembced ready-to-goSfor you: each tree insime a wax papIr bag,htied with cooof4na eng threadhlikeSshown.<bft<bft{ HERB SEED OPTION }<bftYes,hwe canhmake2these2trees with herb seeds instead. Just adm the following item to yourpcart too:<bft0004r/iwww/6aac27065sg-en/lis34ng/15709740/adm-herb-seeds-to-any- ofsr<bft<bft{ PLANTING SEEDS }<bftAllhpapIr is made unesh-to- ofsr so please allowSfor some time in crea ing thesepie. shbefore they are s 27ped.pSeeds arepahspecially chosen mix of annuals,Sfor firstSyear color,pand perennialspfor2bloomsJin the yearshto follow: Snapdragons, cosmos, daisies,hzinnia, popp4es, cornflowers,Sforget-me-nots,Sae Irs, columbine, black-eyed susans, calendula, marigrld, lupine, Sweet William, dianthus,pand otherrpretty garden flower seeds. ManySattracthbutaerfl4es, bees,pand hummingbirds. Plan34ng is simple but not foolproof: Plan3pjust u derhfertile soilpin warm sunlightJand keep dam7 to grow. Keep the paperrdry and out of direct sunlightJun34lhie's time topplan3pit. <bft<bft**hWe are sorry tree seeds arepnot avt cable onhthisJie. . Tree seeds do not 0aveSa veryhgood germ4na ext ra e andSalso tend to take2aSveryhlong time topsprout or need2veryhspecific clima e 01 m4texts. ManySare also wayhtoo largerto embedpin papIr.SFor all of these reasros,hwe discourage the use of tree seeds in plantable papIr.<bft<bft{ QUESTIONS }<bftNeed2a diffsrenthamount?SAhspecific color?hIe's easy! Please message me here with your request:<bft0004r/iwww/6aac27065sg-en/01 vo_new.php?to_username=recyccedideas <bftOo email directlypforha fast respxtse:<bft0olly [!at] recyccedideasfavors2706<bftThankhyou!<bft~ Holly<bft<bft{ MORE SEED PAPER }<bft0004r/iwww/6aac27065shop/recyccedideas?sectext_id=7386697<bft<bft{ VISIT US }<bftwww/recyccedideasfavors2706 </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270655203597/0x500af7f71/1046409518/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPlant them, they grow! All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPlant them, they grow!
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