Looking some one for this same colour beautiful Designer Saree on premium Faux Georgette fabric with Thred with Moti store work
Looking some one for this same colour beautiful Designer Saree on premium Faux Georgette fabric with Thred with Moti work and blouse on Benglori silk fabric with Thred work.
Fabric. :-Faux Georgette
Work :- Thred with Moti work
Cut :- 5.5
The word sari evolved from śāṭikā (Sanskrit: शाटिका) mentioned in earliest Hindu literature as women's attire. The sari or śāṭikā evolved from a three-piece ensemble comprising the antarīya, the lower garment; the uttarīya; a veil worn over the shoulder or the head; and the stanapatta, a chest band. This ensemble is mentioned in Sanskrit literature.
There are more than 80 recorded ways to wear a sari. The most common style is for the sari to be store wrapped around the waist, with the loose end of the drape to be worn over the shoulder, baring the midriff. However, the sari can be draped in several different styles, though some styles do require a sari of a particular length or form.