Bouquet of preserved flowers and dried flowers, dusty pink,boho bouquet, rustic wedding, Bridal/Bridesmaid store bouquet, Floral Centerpieces,
The most delicate bouquet of peony-like roses with dried flowers is every woman's dream.
Light and airy, it will delight you for a long time with its refined and unique beauty.
The advantage of bouquets of dried flowers is durability, they retain their appearance for 3-5 years!
• They keep their appearance for 3-5 years
• Do not require watering or any special treatment
• Do not cause allergies
• Product size is 7.8/11.8 inches/20*30 cm
Care recommendations:
• Do not water!
• Keep away from heating elements
• Keep away from direct store sunlight
• If necessary, remove dust with a hair dryer (cold air)
Please contact us if you have any problems with your purchase and we will get back to you right away.
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