Starter Box “League store of Plague Doctors” | High-quality resin | 32mm| Collectible/RPG | Dungeons and Dragons | Unpainted
With this starter box, you'll get everything you need to cleanse Legends of Signum universe from the plague that has overwhelmed it.
The Basic Starter contains 6 highly detailed resin miniatures:
Exclusive Miniature of Kelly Gampana, Oracle of the Plague
Agnello Cornaro, the Plague Angel
Bianca Moreau, Countess of the Plague
Sebastiano Riario, Mentor of the Lodge
Enrico Dziani, Dr. Mosquito
Dominiko, store the Quarantine Guard
he box includes: Read Less
Special Signum Games Rulers x4;
Terrain Templates, x5;
Wounds, Armour, Minions, Prosperity, and other tokens;
Battle Deck, 27 cards;
Hero Card, x1;
Help Card, x1;
Terrain and Buildings, 17 cards;
Short Rule Leaflet, x1;
Special Signum Games Dice, x6;
All miniatures have 32mm scale.
All miniatures are unpainted, unassembled.
Includes bases.