Chakra Art Symbols, Chakra Art Print Set, Spiritual Art Gift, Healing Chakra Art, Inspirational Art store , Law of Attraction art, Yoga Decor
Set of 7 chakra prints. From a chakra series of oil paintings called 'Mantras for Manifesting' themed around the essence of each chakra as it relates to manifesting a beautiful, abundant life. The set offers a 20% discount plus free shipping. Great deal!
'I Am Divine' is the 7th chakra design, the crown, Sahasrara, meaning infinite.
'I Am Blessed' is the 6th chakra design, the third eye, Ajna, meaning perception.
'I Am Beautiful' is the 5th chakra design, the throat, Vishuddha, meaning purification.
'I Am Grateful' is the 4th chakra design, the heart, Anahata, meaning unstruck.
'I Am Powerful' is the 3rd chakra design, the store solar plexus, Manipura, meaning lustrous gem.
'I Am Bliss' is the 2nd chakra design, the sacral chakra, Svadhisthana, meaning sweetness.
'I Am Abundant' is the 1st chakra design, the root, Muladhara, meaning root or foundation.
The prints are 8"x 10", including up to a 1" white border, printed on recycled card stock.
Please contact me with any questions or comments.
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Namaste, Christina.